Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off our notes on DNA mutations.   Add power point notes to the end of your notesheet.  Check yesterday's blog for power point.   Next we practiced mutations by doing THIS worksheet.  Check your answers HERE.    Work on Module Questions.  Make sure that DNA (Section A) and Protein Synthesis (Section B) are completed for tomorrow.  

Good vids to watch:

Monday, 30 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we wrote notes on writing formulas with polyatomic ions and with multivalent ions.  Note sheet is found HERE.  Homework is:  page 244 #10 and page 247 #4 and #6.

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we continued with our notes on DNA translation.  Next we did THIS colouring sheet to help us visualize all the steps in translation.  The videos below are helpful in understanding the concepts.  Power point for DNA is found HERE.  Student note sheet is HERE.  

Friday, 27 October 2023

Science 9

Today we wrote a short chemistry quiz.   Make sure you know how to classify compounds as ionic compounds, covalent compounds or polyatomic ions as well as write the balanced formula for an ionic compound.  

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we started our last Biochem unit, DNA!   Power point is found HERE and notesheet HERE.  We started off on our module questions on DNA.  Do Section A) DNA structure part A and B.  Module is found HERE.  

We also watched a short video on human gene editing.  If you missed this video, watch the one below and write a short synopsis.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we worked on recognizing a formula for ionic compounds, covalent compounds or polyatomic ions.  Check the practice questions at the end of the note sheet answers are found HERE. (on the last page).   Next we did a lab.  Great job on this lab!  Lab is found HERE.  All questions should be answered with the lab turned in.   

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we wrote our CELL MEMBRANE and TRANSPORT and ENZYME test.   Done!   Next we read chapter 25.2 and 25.3 on DNA replication and protein synthesis.  

Science 9

Today we finished off the compounds notes from the power point.  Power point is found HERE.  Notes sheet is HERE.  Next we took a few more notes on ionic compounds and practiced ionic compound formula writing HERE.   

Monday, 23 October 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off our notes on ionic compounds.  The note sheet is HERE.  The power point is HERE.  Next we practiced drawing some ionic and covalent compounds on the white boards.  For homework practice drawing the Bohr models for these compounds and showing how they form bonds.

Also, make sure you completed the Lab on page 225-226.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we did practice questions and watched some videos to help us practice for the unit test coming up TOMORROW!!   Practice test HERE.  Answer key HERE.  Good videos below.  If you need to check your module answers the Enzyme module answer key is HERE and cell membrane answer key HERE.  

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off the Enzyme notes from the Power point found HERE.  We moved the cell membrane, transport and Enzyme test until TUESDAY.   All module questions are due on Tuesday.  Answers to Enzyme module are found HERE.  

We also practiced some quick Enzyme questions.  Answers are found HERE.  

Good video below:

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we did lab 7B on page 226-227.  We finished the lab and answered the Analysis and Evaluation questions in full sentences.  Answer these for Monday if you aren't done.  

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we had a quiz on Atoms and Bohr models.   I gave you the following information:

Atomic # = The number of protons = the identity of the element

Mass # = # Protons +  # Neutrons

Next we set up the Atoms and Ions lab on page 226-227 of the text.  Come prepared to do this lab tomorrow.    If you missed this lab, take notes on the video below:

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we took notes on Enzymes.  Power point is found HERE and notes sheet HERE.

Enzyme module questions are found at the end of cell membrane and transport module.  Do A and B for Thursday.  Enzymes are found in Chapter 6.3 in textbook.

Solute Concentration of Potato lab is due today! (Thursday at the latest) 

Monday, 16 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we worked on our Solute Concentration of Potato lab.  This is due TOMORROW, Oct. 17th.   Make sure you use the RUBRIC so you include all the parts of the lab.  

We also got a Cell Membrane and Transport Review found HERE.  The answers to this review is HERE.  

Science 9

Today we practiced for our atoms and Bohr model quiz tomorrow.  Make sure you know how to calculate number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions.

Next we started the notes on THIS sheet using THIS power point.  Finally we watched the fireworks video below, BOOOOOM!!! 

If you were not in class today, you should read page 210-211 and do #5 and #6 on page 212.  (pick 5 questions in each number)

Friday, 13 October 2023

Science 9

 Today we took some notes on determining the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in isotopes and ions.  We watched the video below and took notes.

Next we did THIS worksheet.  HERE is the key

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we finished off the potato lab by taking measurements after osmosis happened!  We crunched the numbers and worked on our lab this block.  If you were away for this entire lab use the data collected from a previous class found HERE.    Solute concentration of potato lab is due on Tuesday, October 17th.  

Cell membrane/transport and Enzyme test has been moved to Monday, October 23rd.

Also watch BOZEMAN science below on the osmosis lab.

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Science 9

Today we went over the answers to the homework on page 230 #14.  Next we completed the lab on page 224 and 225 of the text book on flame colours.  If you were away, as an alternate, watch the video below and write a short summary for me about tests for flame colours.  

In the second block we worked on our THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentations.  Ben and Sam presenting tomorrow.  

Next Tueday:  October 15, we will have a short quiz on Bohr Models, subatomic particles and atoms.  Page 218-220 in your text book.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Biology 12)

Today we did the first part of the Solute Concentration of Potatoes lab.  Complete the Cell Membrane and Transport Module Questions for Friday.  Answers to Module are found HERE.  

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off the notes we started on Friday.  See Friday's blog entry.  Next we made Bohr models for the first 20 elements.  Finally we got homework:  page 230 #14

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we finished off our notes on Cell Membrane and Transport.  Note sheet is HERE, power point is HERE.  

Tomorrow we will do the solute concentration of potatoes lab.  

Homework:  Do Module Questions up to but NOT including facilitated transport.  Section A Part A) B) and C) up to ii

Friday, 6 October 2023

Science 9

Today we had our first THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE presentations.  Thanks to Bella and Josie for being our first volunteers!    Next we took notes on ATOMS.  Notesheet is HERE and power point HERE.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

Today we took notes on Osmosis and Diffusion.  Power point is HERE.  Note sheet HERE .  Next we watched an Amoeba Sisters video below and answered THESE questions

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Science 9

Today we finished off our notes on elements and the periodic table.  Next we did a lab looking at elements where we had to classify the element as a metal or non-metal based on where it lives on the table.  If you missed this lab.  Take notes on the video below as an alternative

We also got THIS data booklet that will stay with us until the end of the course.  

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we wrote the Cells and Organelles Unit Test.    Next we read Chapter 4.1 and got our new Module Questions found HERE.  Do the first 9 questions of section A for Friday.  

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Science 9

Today we took notes on Naming and Classifying elements.  These notes are found HERE.  

Next we coloured a periodic table with the different families.  This table is found HERE.   

Anatomy and Physiology 12 (Bio 12)

 Today we practiced for the TEST ON CELLS AND CELL STRUCTURES!!!   Coming up tomorrow-Wednesday, Oct. 4.  

Module Questions are due tomorrow.  Answers are found HERE.    We also came up with a list of possible short answer questions for the TEST.    A/E block is HERE and C/G block HERE.