Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we went off to visit Sarah Boyle.  She works for Parks Canada and has a LARGE garden and backyard.  She told us about her career path as well as the ECOSYSTEM services provided by her yard.  

Next we watched the two videos below and answered the THREE THINGS you knew, three things you learned and one question.  

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Life Science 11

Today we wrote our FUNGI quizeroooo.  It was quick!  Next we started our plant unit by taking notes on non-vascular plants.  Next class we will collect some moss to be analyzed.   Notes are found HERE.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we dug out the compost and sent it on its way to the industrial compost at the dump.  Next we watched the two videos below and did THREE things you knew, THREE things you learned and ONE question.  

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today Leah Evans came in to talk about Revy Refest.   Next we finished off our Rivers Presentations and presented some to the class.  Next we watched the TED Ed on the donut economy found below:

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the Fungi Unit by writing the final notes from THIS power point.  Next we worked on our Fungi Colouring worksheet.  This is due on Wednesday.  Finally we started off on THIS fungi lab and started dissecting our mushroom.   

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we talked about water quality and water quality tests.  We watched and took notes on the videos below:

Life Science 11

 Today we took more notes from the Fungi Power point posted yesterday.  Up to and including reproduction of Fungi.  Next we finished the Protist Lab.  Finally we got a practice for the Protist RE-QUIZ.  Answers are found HERE.  

Monday, 15 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

 We worked on our Rivers presentation today.  This is due on Friday this week.  

Reminder that Thursday afternoon is our biking field trip.  We will bike to Williamson Lake to do some water quality testing

Life Science 11

Today we started the next unit FUNGI we took some notes from THIS power point.   Next we worked on our protist lab from last Friday.  Not quite done yet!  Will get this done tomorrow!

WEDNESDAY re-write protist quiz if you choose.  Homework:  Read page 84-86 

Do Concept Check #1-3 on page 86.  

Friday, 12 May 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote the PROTIST quiz.  Next we worked on the PROTIST lab, we aren't quite done yet though.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we worked on our RIVERS project.  This is supposed  to be due today:) but you might get some time on Monday to work on it.   

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we went on a pond walk to collect protists.  Next we returned to class to work on our Abundance and Distribution of Bacteria Lab.  This is due tomorrow.    We got a practice protist quiz found HERE and the answer key HERE.  

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week we went to the community centre to listen to the responsible recreation conference.  If you missed either of these days you need to make a power point explaining ONE of the following concepts:  

1) UNDRIPA (Section 7)

2) Canada's SARA legislation

3) SEAs (Strategic environmental assessments)

4) Shuswap Trail Alliance

5) FSPs (Forest Stewardship plans)


Monday, 8 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off our notes on Kingdom Protista with THIS notesheet.  We will have a short quiz on protists on Friday.   Next we had time to work on our distribution and abundance of bacteria lab.  We watched a short video to remind us how to use in text citations.  This is below: 

Environmental Science 12

Today we talked about our week long plan.  Monday and Friday will be work on Rivers Project (due at the end of next week).  Tuesday and Wednesday will be going down to the community centre to listen to some talks on Responsible Recreation.   Today we watched the following video:

Next we got THIS river assignment that will be due at the end of next week.   Take your time to pick a river of your choosing.  

Friday, 5 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we 1) Got our tests back from yesterday.  2) Took some notes on protists found HERE

3) Worked on Abundance and Diversity of Bacteria lab.  Rubric is HERE

Check out the coool protist bioluminescence below: 

Environmental Science 12

Today we had a discussion about the conference we will be attending next week:  Responsible Recreation. The link is found HERE.   Next we continued our discussion on rivers.  We watched the crash course below and wrote up 2 things we knew, 2 thinks we learned and 1 question:

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Life Sciences 11

1) Today we wrote out Bacteria QUESSSST.   Nice work everyone, slayed that!   

2) Next we did some reading about protists:  page 68-71 in our text books.

3) Worked on the Distribution and Abundance of Bacteria Lab.  We took our second data collection and then worked on writing up the lab on the computers.   Make sure you share this lab with me by Tuesday, May 9  

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a walk about along the Illecillewaet River to Bridge Creek to look at stream flow, erosion effects, natural ecosystem management and Kokanee spawning grounds.  If you missed part of the walk, your assignment is to:  

1) Prepare a power point about a specific river anywhere on earth.  You need pictures from google earth and some data about the river and it's connection to the people of the area.  Explain why you picked this river, what did you find interesting about it?  


2) Prepare an information brochure about Kokanee Salmon 

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Life Science 11

 Ms. Wood is home sick today so no need to observe the BACTERIA from the lab last week.  We will make our second observations on Thursday after the Bacteria Quest.   Reminder that on Thursday there is a bacteria unit quest.  Use your notes, review and textbook concept check questions to help you review.  There is a a lot of new vocabulary here.  Here is what you should work on:  

1) Bacteria Quest Review found HERE.  I will collect this on Thursday.   This can be handwritten on done on computer and shared with me.

2) Watch the videos below to help you review: 

Environmental Science 12

Ms. Wood is home sick today, but here is the work to get ready for the river study.  No need to bring bikes tomorrow, we can't go as far as I thought we could!  

1) Read the River Systems document found HERE.  Write a summary of the main points of the article (include new vocabulary words you learned).   Share your document with me on word.  

2) Use good old google to answer the following River Study questions found HERE.  You can answer directly on the document after downloading and saving it with your name in the title.  

3) Watch the Crash Course in Geography below: