Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we finished off notes on bacteria.  Next we made some streak plates and then worked on our Abundance and Diversity of bacteria lab.  This lab is HERE.  

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we continued with the bacteria notes from yesterday.  Next we started a Distribution and Abundance of bacteria lab found HERE with details HERE.  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we started a quick assignment!   We are making posters with the topic of "Climate Justice" for the BCTF Earth Day contest.   Contest details are found HERE.  Poster can be hand drawn or digital.

Monday, 24 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we went over the taxonomy practice questions from last week.  Keys are in class if you were away.  Next we started THIS note sheet with THIS power point.  Homework:  Read page 58-60.  Do concept check page 59 #1,2 and page 61 #1-4

Environmental Science 12

Today we watched the following two videos to learn about the Columbia River dams and the Columbia River treaty.  If you were away, write out your thoughts about these two videos.  What did you learn from each of them?  


Friday, 21 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the taxonomy unit by learning about Cladograms and practicing a Cladogram.  See video below and THIS worksheet.  We went over the worksheet so make sure you check with someone who has completed it.  Key is HERE.  

Finally we practiced THIS and THIS assignment as review for the unit.  

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Environmental Science 12

 This week we have been working on our "Sustainability Fair" presentations.  We will present to the school on Thursday afternoon and to the elementary students on Friday morning.  

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

This week we've been working on making and using Dichotomous Keys.  The workbook is found HERE.  

The imaginary animal key is due this week.  


Monday, 17 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we took some notes on Taxonomy and then did the FIRST part of the dichotomous key found HERE.  Tomorrow we will learn how to make our own key.  Videos below show how to make a key and use a key:

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we got some time to do the Evolution Unit Review and the two practice tests.  Next we played a rousing game of Pictionary to review for the quest tomorrow on UNIT D Evolution.  Next we did the two  practice tests and checked our answers HERE and HERE.  

Evolution Unit Review Answers are HERE

Some vids to help you study!!

(Slow this one down!!)

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Life Science 11

Today we took notes on Genetics and DNA with the power point found HERE.  Next we finished the bunny lab and turned it in with a graph.  Sample bunny lab is found HERE.  

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we went on a walk about on the Columbia River and Illecillewaet River.  We discussed river features and measured the velocity of the rivers at different places.

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we finished off the Natural Selection notes from last class.  Next we watched the 5 fingers of evolution video below to answer THESE questions about it:

Finally we got THIS review, due next Thursday. (Omit #2 for now) 

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a weee cross word and a map sketch of the Revelstoke area.  Come prepared for a River walk on Wednesday!  

Monday, 3 April 2023

Life Science 11

Today we continued looking at Natural Selection by filling in THESE notes up to Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms.  Use THIS power point.

Next we watched the movie below and turned in Three things I knew, Three things I learned and one question I have.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we started work on our next unit:  Water Systems.  We made a rough sketch of the Columbia River Basin and labelled the following:  Ocean, Glaciers, Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, Condensation, Clouds, Rivers, Streams, Groundwater, Infiltration, Moutains

Next we worked on our Earth Day Poster.  Please send me your color pictures if you require any