Friday, 17 March 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote the quiz on 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  If you missed the quiz, there was one question:  1) List and describe 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  Give examples for each of your points.  

Next we did a lab evolution of hairless rabbits.  Lab is found HERE.    If you were away, fear not!  We aren't finished the lab so no write up yet.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we did a "walkability" tour up to Arrow Heights by way of the pedestrian bridge.   If you were not there, you should write a couple of paragraphs about Revelstoke's Community Energy Corporation.  

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we worked on our poster presentations for Earth DAY on April 20th.  Next we watched the rest of the REBELLION documentary to discuss Climate Action protests.  If you missed class, write a brief synopsis about this movie.

(the first 20 minutes) 

Life Science 11

 Today we practiced the 5 pieces of evidence for evolution.  Next we took notes on natural selection.  At the end of class we did a lab on natural selection found HERE.  

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off notes on Evidence for Evolution.  On Friday we will have a Quiz on: 5 pieces of Evidence for Evolution.  Next we worked on our Evidence of Evolution Assignment.  This assignment is due tomorrow.   We also watched the video below on human vestigial structures:

Environmental Science 12

 Today we started working on our final project for the Climate Change Unit.  HERE are some ideas for you, but there are many more.  

Monday, 13 March 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we started taking notes about EVOLUTION and evidence for EVOLUTION.  Power point is found HERE and evidence assignment is HERE.  We also finished watching the evidence of evolution video below:  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we had guest speakers come and talk about public transportation in Revelstoke.  If you missed class your alternate assignment is to go this  City Website a synopsis about the Transportation Master Plan.   Discuss proposed bike routes and public transportation as your main focus.  

Friday, 10 March 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we wrote a VIRUS quiz.  This was short!  Next we started our next unit on EVOLUTION.  We got THIS assignment on the evidence for evolution and watched the video below:

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we took notes using THIS notes sheet.  Use THIS power point to complete it if you were away.  We also spent some time working on our VIRUS project which is due on FRIDAY.  You can share the project through office 365.    We have a virus quiz on Friday.  Complete THESE questions and check your answers HERE.  

Remember that to help you study for quizzes, you can also watch the awesome You tubers below:

Monday, 6 March 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we prepped our grocery store walkability survey and we worked on THIS webquest assignment. 

Use website to answer questions

Life Science 11

Today we took a few more notes on the Lytic and Lysogenic cycle.  Some annotations were added to THIS notesheet.   Next we worked on our VIRUS project, making sure to record notes by hand before writing the paragraph about each virus.   

VRIUS PROJECT and short QUIZ on VIRUSES are both due on Friday, March 10th

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we did a walkabilty audit of the city streets of Revelstoke.  If you missed class, you need to film yourself walking at least 3 kilometers in some neighborhood of Revelstoke and write a paper about the walkability of this area.  Use the checklist found HERE