Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 27 February 2023

Life Science 11

Today we wrote our Unit B Quest.  Next we did research on our viruses for our virus project.   Virus project is found HERE.   We also watched a short video explaining how to use the CRAAP test to evaluate internet sources.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we started on a big class project to study how we could make Revelstoke a more walkable/bikeab
le town with better public transportation options.   We watched the two videos below and then broke into working groups to discuss what the problems are and what data we need to collect to address the problem. If you missed class, please write your thoughts about how ideas in these videos could be implemented in Revelstoke.  Come prepared to walk on Wednesday!  

Friday, 24 February 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we did review for the Unit B test coming up on Monday.  If you are on the BAND trip, don't worry, we will have you write it later in the week!  We went over the answers to the organelles worksheet and worked on the 2 reviews:  THIS ONE gets turned in.  THIS ONE is for your practice.  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we finished off watching Apocolapse Plan B and the short video below:

Next we did a short write up defining each of these solutions to removing Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere:
1) Natural Solutions (Forests and Regenerative Agriculture)
2) Direct Air Capture (DAC)
3) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) also define point source capture and sequestration
4) Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS) 


Thursday, 23 February 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we took notes on the Endosymbiotic Theory (THIRD PAGE OF THE NOTES)  and watched the videos below:

Next we worked on a Unit Review in order to practice for the UNIT B TEST coming up on Monday Feb. 27th 

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we finished off our group lab:  Measuring Albedo (Reflectivity).  The Rubric for the lab report is found HERE.  

We also watched and had a discussion on parts of THIS CBC documentary (Fire and Ice) and All of THIS one on geoengineering (Apocalypse Plan B) 

If you missed class, write a synopsis of Apocalypse plan B and your thoughts and questions that these bring up.

Check out THIS website, which shows Sweden's Climate Change policy to reach net 0 by 2045.  

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we practiced doing Actual Size and Drawing Magnification based on what we had learned in our microscope labs.  Next we took some notes on our cells get and use energy molecules.  Homework:  Read page 15-16 in text book.  Answer questions #1-4 on page 16.  Next we got THIS review assignment for the Unit B test coming up next week- on Tuesday, Feb. 28th.   

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Environmental Science 12

 Today we went to city hall to discuss Revelstoke's Sustainability projects.  If you missed this outing, you will need to do THIS instead.  

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Life Sciences 11

 Today we finished off our Plant and Animal Eukaryotic cells lab.  Next we did the Prokaryotic Cells Lab. Finally we colored a Plant Cell, an Animal Cell and a Bacterial cell.  Do this for homework along with reading page 12-15 and doing the concept check on page 15.   Also make sure you do the practice questions at the end of THIS lab.  

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we answered questions based on Revelstoke's Sustainability Principles.  Submit the answers to THESE questions online.  Make sure you save it as a document with a different name.  (Document name should include your name).   

Monday, 13 February 2023

Environmental Science 12

Today we continued with the experiment looking at different Albedos of natural substances.  Next we worked on writing up this lab as a team using THIS lab rubric.  

Life Science 11

Today we looked at cells in all their GLORY!!   You should be able to distinguish between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes and know what all the organelles do.   We took more notes from THIS power point (the drawing of the cells) and we watched the Amoeba Sisters video below to do THIS worksheet.  Finally we  practiced recognizing organelles and their functions.  Come and see Ms. Wood if you need this worksheet!  -- Worksheet is due on Wednesday.  

Friday, 10 February 2023

Life Science 11

Today we took a quiz on the microscope parts and function.  Next we started our cell unit with the first three slides HERE.  Finally we continued our work on actual size and drawing magnification with the microscopes.  Lab is HERE.    If you were away, try to do the practice questions at the end of this lab.  

Environmental Science 12

Today we continued with our work on reflectivity "box" to test the reflective properties of different materials.  Make sure you understand what ALBEDO is.  Here is the handout on Albedo.  

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Life Science 11

Today we continued on with microscopes.  We finished off THIS lab from yesterday and started THIS lab to determine the actual size of objects using a microscope.   Watch the video if you were away to help you figure out what we did in the lab.  We also got THIS practice for the quiz on Friday answers are found HERE.  

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Life Science 11

 Today we checked the notes and questions from yesterdays class.  Next we started the CELLS unit by doing a microscope lab.  Lab is found HERE.  Parts and functions of the microscope quiz on Friday.  

Monday, 6 February 2023

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off our Process of Science power point found HERE.  Next we got our textbooks and then took a few more notes on Characteristics of Living things with the power point found HERE.  Make sure you complete this note sheet using your brand new textbook.  

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Environmental Science 12

  1. Watch the first two “units” of project Drawdown.  

They are found on the website: 

Videos are embedded in the middle of the page. 


Take notes on the main scientific points of each video and comment on the video, ie: was the information presented clearly with no jargon, did they understand the information? Do they think that the information has been peer reviewed? Are the sources sited? What surprised you? What did you already know? - they should take notes. Paper can be “scrap” paper, single sided. 


  1. For this section use the laptops (I have them booked) Next go to the solutions library on this website: 


Have them work individually or in teams of two or three and explore this website. They should send (or share) a word document with me explaining: 

  1. How is the table organized? How can the columns be re-arranged?  

  1. What are 3 solutions you find interesting that you think could be implemented on a local Revelstoke level? Give your own explanation about each solution, explain why they make sense on a local level to implement them.  

  1. What are three other solutions that you find interesting- these could only be implemented on a federal level, or globally. Give your own explanation of each solution. Explain what you think Canada would have to do to implement them.  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we started off with the Climate Change Unit by looking at changes in Earth's Climate over time.  We did part of  THIS notes sheet with THIS power point.  

Next we looked at an estimate of our own carbon emissions using the climate hero calculator found HERE.  

and then did a short group activity calculating the carbon emissions savings by two school district employees.  Finally we looked at the project drawdown found HERE.  in order to choose several solutions that we wanted to explore on the local, provincial, federal or international level.