Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 18 March 2022

Biology 11

 Today we wrote our evolutionary quest.  Next we did a survey for Ms. McLay, who will be our student teacher coming in after spring break.  Survey is found HERE

Wednesday, 16 March 2022


Today we reviewed for the evolution QUEST coming up on Friday.  KEY for the practice test.  See yesterday's blog for other keys.  Here are some good videos to help review all these words!!!

Earth Science 11

The last few days we have been learning about minerals. We started on Monday by watching THIS VIDEO and taking THESE notes.  

Then we moved onto identifying minerals. We took THESE notes from THIS VIDEO and did an observational lab on minerals. 

Today we continued our study of minerals.  We did a lab on minerals.  This lab is found HERE. If you missed the lab today, you can do the activity in THIS instead. All the materials you need are found in THIS folder. 

If I haven't gotten it yet, please send your plate tectonics project to

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Biology 11

 Today we went over the last notes from our evolution unit.  We filled in this note sheet while watching this TEDed:

Next we went over some MORE language of Biology with the note sheet HERE:

We got some review sheets for the QUEST coming up on Friday.  These are HERE and HERE and 

HERE with a  KEY 

A couple of fun videos to help review:

Monday, 14 March 2022

Biology 11

 Today we took notes on disruptive, stabilizing and directional selection.  Make sure you get these notes if you were away.  Next we finished off the Breeding Bunnies lab and made a graph for it.  This lab is due on the double block day.   For homework you should read:  page 92-99 and answer questions: #2,3, 4, 6 and 7 on page 99.  (Answer these orally to yourself!)

Earth Science 11

 Today we looked at MINERALS.  We watched this short video:

And answered questions from THIS worksheet.  

Friday, 11 March 2022

Biology 11

Today we took notes on the 5 principles of natural selection.   If you were away these are found on page 95 and 97-98 in your textbook.  

Next we did a lab on breeding bunnies and allelic frequency.  This lab is found HERE.  We will continue working on the lab on Monday.  

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Biology 11

 A reminder that your BREAD MOLD labs are past due.  Click HERE to see an example of a past lab with all sections complete.   Make sure all sections are done.   

Today we wrote the DNA-RNA quiz.  Next we took some notes on evidence for evolution.  Tomorrow we will do a natural selection lab....

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Earth Science 11

 Today we worked on our Plate Tectonics Projects.   One more block to work on these!!

Biology 11

Today we took a quiz on DNA replication and protein synthesis.  Next we got our "real" text books and read page 60-73.  Finally we took some notes on evidence of evolution.  You should be able to name and describe the five pieces of evidence:  Fossils, comparative anatomy, embryology, vestigial structures and biochemical evidence.  

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Biology 11

 Reminder of the QUIZ tomorrow on DNA replication and protein synthesis.  Make sure you understand the structure of DNA, RNA and how they are different.  Be able to explain the steps in DNA replication and the steps in protein synthesis.

Today we took notes on Punnett squares and variation through sexual reproduction.   Next we worked on some genetics practice found HERE.  

Finally we watched a video on evidence for evolution 

Earth Science 11

Earth Science 11 continued to work on their assignment:  Plate Tectonics Project.    If you need to complete the lab "Modeling Convection Currents" use the video below.  Note that the thyme represents the hot water and the balsam wood is the wax paper.  

Friday, 4 March 2022

Earth Science 11

Today Ms. Busch continued with notes on plate tectonics.  These are found HERE.  Next she played a jeopardy review game to go over the new concepts.  

Biology 11

Today we finished off the notes from the double block class and practiced transcription/translation and what happens when there is a mistake in the DNA.......MUTATION!   Two worksheets done in class the second one is due on Monday!!

Worksheet 1.            Worksheet 2.         CODON TABLE is required for this........

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Biology 11

Today we continued our power point notes from Monday.  We took notes on transcription and translation and then did a simulation where we made our own amino acid chains in small groups.  Second block we worked on our bread mold labs.  These are due on FRIDAY.  See last week's entries for links to past student work.\\