Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 28 February 2022

Biology 11

Today we got a mark sheets with our marks so far.  Next we took some notes on DNA replication.  Note sheet found HERE and power point HERE.  Next we did THESE practice problems on DNA (omit #22) these are due on the double block day.  Finally we worked on the mold lab, due on Friday, March 4th.  

Thursday, 24 February 2022

Biology 11

Today we worked on our Mold Lab.  Write up for this lab is due on Friday, March 4.   HERE is an example of the lab write up from last year's class.  HERE is another example with a graph embedded.  See yesterday's entry for answer keys to reviews.  

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Biology 11

Today we went over the Cells and Organelles MC practice for the QUEST on Friday.  Next we worked on our mold lab.  Formal Lab report criteria found HERE.  Next we did more practice for the QUEST with a microscope review.  Answers to the microscope review are HERE.  

Fill in the blank note sheet answers found HERE.   

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we took a few notes on the expansion of the Universe and red shift.  Notes are found HERE.  Next we did a lab on the Expansion of the Universe using a Balloon model.  This is HERE.  

Final "assignment" for Astronomy Unit is Interstellar the movie on Thursday and your life cycle of stars comic is due on Friday, Feb. 25.  

Biology 11

Today we practiced for the Quest on cells/organelles/microscope and scientific method.  First we made our own cell drawings of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells.  Next we watched a crash course in Biology video below:

We got a review sheet found HERE for homework and got a Plant Cell to color and label.    Finally we checked our MOLD lab.  It's a bit disgusting!!

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we talked about the BIG BANG theory of the universe and evidence that the Universe is expanding.  Note sheet is HERE, but no need to do the questions YET.   We did a lab on spectroscopy found HERE.   Finally we worked on our Life Cycle of Stars comic and watched the video below:

Is the Universe Expanding in all directions??????

Biology 11

 Today we did the Prokaryotic Cell Lab by looking at a yogurt smear......YUM!   Complete the microscope drawing for this lab and turn in---  Lab is HERE.    Next Today we went over the questions from the concept check found HERE.    We discussed the ENDOSYMBIOTIC theory and evidence for it.  Video is below:

Next we got some review materials for the QUEST on CELL AND ORGANELLES.   Review work found HERE and HERE.  

Monday, 14 February 2022

Life Sciences 11

 Today we took some notes on how cells extract the energy they get.  Next we started our bread molding!!  Finally we got these text notes and answered questions #1-5 from this sheet.  

Earth Science 11

 Today we took some notes on Formation of Stars and Life Cycle of Stars.  Notes are found HERE.  Next we finished off the Hertzberg-Russell diagram and questions started yesterday.   Next we watched the video below:

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we took a few notes on stars and constellations.  Constellations notes are found HERE.   Next we did a computer assignment on the website  Assignment is found HERE.  

Biology 11

Today we practiced for the scientific method quiz tomorrow by doing THESE questions.  Next we worked on microscope drawings and did a lab:  drawing, labelling and finding the size of a plant and animal cell.   Make sure you turn in these two drawings with labels and numbers for actual size and drawing magnification on the bottom.   Next we worked on the organelles worksheet (from last class) and colored and labelled an animal cell and prokaryotic cell.   

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Earth Science

 Today we took some notes on Lunar and Solar Eclipses.  These notes are found HERE.  Next we did some questions from the back of the sheet:  #1, 2, 4, 6, 12 and 14.   

Biology 11

Today we worked on our note sheet from yesterday and completed the section on cells.  Power point is HERE.  Next we wrote the proposal for the mold lab with only 1 independent variable.  Next we used the inquiry into life text to do the table in the note sheet (from atoms to biosphere) as well THIS organelles sheet.   Use page 3, 49-51 pages in Inquiry into Life Text.  

Monday, 7 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we took some notes on phases of the moon, the moon's rotation and revolution and tides.  These notes are found HERE. (Along with other info).  Next we watched a quick video about lunar rotation and revolution and did a NASA lunar activity found HERE.  Make sure you complete the "Lost on the Moon" assignment and turn in.   

Biology 11

Today we listened to a FAMOUS Revelstoke scientist talking about his research HERE.  Practice scientific method HERE.   We took some notes on the characteristics of Living Things.  Notesheet is HERE and power point HERE.  

Friday, 4 February 2022

Biology 11

Today I collected the scientific method worksheet and the graph.  Turn these in please:).  Next we talked about our mold lab and I handed out some reading for the mold lab.   We worked on the microscope lab looking field of view diameter and measuring actual size of objects.  Finally we got "in class" textbooks and read page 10-13.  Scanned text is found HERE.  

Earth Science 11

Today we talked about the Earth's rotation and revolution.  We did THESE fill in notes with THIS note sheet.  Next we used our text book to answer some questions about other planets.  Find the questions HERE.  

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we did a hands on activity modeling the scale of the solar system.  Next we got our text books and did a textbook tour with THIS assignment.  We watched the short videos below and then started the beginning of EARTH: Making of a Planet Video.

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Biology 11

Today we looked at the scientific method and hypothesis testing.  We filled in THIS note sheet with THIS power point.  Next we practiced some hypotheses found HERE. and HERE.  Finish off this Scientific Method worksheet for next class.  Also watch and read some exciting details about MOLD:


Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Earth Science 11

Today we talked about all the possible directions we can take the course and what the course will cover.  Course outline is found HERE.   Next we did a little student survey.  This is HERE.  

Biology 11

Today we got introduced to the FUN, Fun world of Biology and routines in the classroom.  We got the course outline found HERE and did a language of biology assignment with classmates HERE using a prefix and suffix list.