Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 13 December 2021

Biology 12

 Today we started respiration by taking THESE notes power point found HERE.  

Science 10

 Today we took notes on how to do calculations with Thermal Energy found HERE.  Next we did some practice questions on THIS sheet (#1,2 and 5).   Answers to some selected review questions found HERE.  

Friday, 10 December 2021

Biology 12

Today we watched a movie about a heart attack victim- Discovery Channel documentary below:  Just go to You Tube and search for:  Discovery Channel body story the beast within to get the whole 48 minute documentary.  Questions to go with the documentary found HERE.  

Practice Test Answers are found HERE.  This practice test will help you prepare for the test on Tuesday on Circulatory System.  

Science 10

Today we wrote our quiz on kinetic and potential energy.  Next we took some notes on THERMAL ENERGY found HERE.   Make sure you work on the Physics unit review for the physics test during next week's double block.  I will post some selected answers.    

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Biology 12

Today we looked at our pulse and blood pressure under different conditions in the heart sounds and pressure lab.  This lab is due with observations and questions answered.  Due on Monday.  Answers to module questions are found HERE.  These are due on Friday.   

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on combining KE and PE.  These are found HERE.    Next we did some practice questions HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we took notes on Lymph next we finished off the pig heart dissection worksheet and then did module questions F and G (1, 2) 

Monday, 6 December 2021

Science 10

Today we took some notes on how to calculate Mechanical Kinetic Energy and then how to use this formula to calculate Velocity.   Complete worksheet up to #6 at least.   We also shot off our catapults.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Science 10

 Today (or yesterday if you are G/C block) we took notes on Conservation of Energy found HERE.  Next we did questions #1-5 on Conservation of Energy found HERE.  Make sure you have double checked your answers.    Next we took some notes on Gravitational Potential Energy.  These notes are HERE.   

We also started building a catapult to see who can send an eraser the furthest by transforming gravitational and elastic potential energy into mechanical kinetic energy.