Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Science 10

Today we spent some time working on the visual dictionary.  These are due on MONDAY at the latest.  Next we did a battle of the beaks to learn about natural selection.    Make sure you bring back your results on Friday in order to graph them.  

Biology 12

Today we looked at our cheek cells under the microscope and did the drawings for this.  Next we worked on the module questions that are due on Friday (see yesterday's post).  We got a "fun, fun" game of mix and match.  Check your answers at the end HERE.   HERE are answers to the cells practice test. 

Module Quiz and Cell Organelle QUiz/QUest coming up on Friday Oct. 1

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we worked on our biology visual dictionary questions.  Make sure you have checked your answers for the co-dominantand incomplete dominant punnett square questions.  

Biology 12

 Today we finished off the blood cell lab, looking at actual size of red blood cells and white blood cells.  Next we practiced all the cell organelles from the module.  Finish off these module questions:  vi) Golgi (all questions).  vii) vacuoles and vesicles (1, 2)   viii) lysosomes (3)    xi) cell wall and chloroplasts (1,3, 4)  x) mitochondria (2-5) 

Answers to all module questions found HERE  Note that you need to scroll down past the biomolecules questions.  

Practice cell organelle quiz answers posted tomorrow.  

Good video to see the connection between different cell organelles:

Monday, 27 September 2021

Biology 12

 Today we finished off the power point on Cell Organelles.  Next we did a lab looking at blood cells and calculating their sizes.  Homework:  Complete Module Questions on Endoplasmic Reticulum and Ribosomes.  

Science 10

Today we went over our Punnett square quiz on completely dominant alleles.  Next we looked at some examples of sex-linked traits and multiple alleles.  Do these worksheets and check your answers in class (answer key posted).   

Incomplete and Co-dominant (omit #12)      Sex-linked traits (first page only)

Friday, 24 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we did a short quiz on Punnett squares with completely dominant traits.  Next we took some notes  on sex-linked traits and multiple alleles.   These are in THIS power point at the end (slide 18-32).

Finally we practiced some in-complete and co-dominant trait questions.  

Biology 12

Today we watched the last part of the crash course in Biology on CELLS.  Next we ran or walked the Terry fox run.  For Monday you should have the Module Questions on Cells completed up to and including the nucleolus.  

Here is a good article on how blood cells lose their nuclei:

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Biology 12

Today we took our biomolecules test.  Next we read page 45-53 in our textbooks and answered the Module questions on cells up to and including nucleolus.  Next we started the Cell and Cell organelles.  We took notes found HERE using THIS power point.  Finally we built a cell out of play dough and labelled all of its organelles.  

Science 10

Today (or Wednesday for the other class) We looked at some aliens traits.  This assignment is found HERE.   Next you paired up with someone and reorganized your alleles in order to bred your aliens.  This assignment is HERE.   

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we went over page 39 #4, 6.  Next we finished notes on genetics from yesterday.  Then we did a worksheet on SpongeBobs genetics answers are HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we did more practice review.  The key is found HERE.  

Online practice HERE.  

Monday, 20 September 2021

Science 10

Today we took some notes on genetics with THESE notes from THIS power point.  Next we finished our Karyotype assignment.  Make sure you number the pairs of chromosomes from largest to smallest.   Determine what the mutation is (example:  trisomy 18).    Do some research to find out how this mutation would affect the individual.    

TEXTBOOK ASSIGNMENT:  Read page 26-32.  Do Questions #4, 6 page 39.  

Biology 12

Today we worked on Review for the Biomolecules Test coming up on THURSDAY, Sept. 23.  Hank and Paul have helpful videos below:

Check your answers to biomolecules test review:  Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Biomolecules practice found HERE

Friday, 17 September 2021

Science 10

 Today we got our DNA quizzes back and went over our mutations worksheet.  Answers found HERE.  

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Science 10 (DH block)

See yesterday's blog entry.  There are two block of Science 10 and we will try to do EXACTLY the same thing!!  Although my stories might be different:)

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote a quiz on DNA/RNA and amino acids.  Next we took some notes found HERE on DNA mutations -found in THIS power power.  (starting on page 33) 

Next we used our new found knowledge to do some crafts and build a bee!!  We built "regular" bees and some mutated bees based on the amino acid sequences.   Finally we did THIS worksheet to practice mutations.  

Biology 12


Today we did a lab on macromolecules and turned it in by the end of class.  Your challenge was to find the killer based on the victim's stomach contents.  Next we worked on our module questions.  Answers to water-carb questions found HERE.   Lipid-proteins answers HERE.   

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Biology 12

 Today we wrote a quiz on Acids/Bases and Water.  Next we took notes on proteins and lipids.  All questions on carbohydrates, proteins and lipids from the module are due on Friday.  

Science 10

 Today we reviewed DNA, Genes and Chromosomes by watching an amoeba sisters video

Worksheet answers found HERE

Next we practiced protein synthesis by doing THIS worksheet.  Selected answers found HERE.  

Quiz next class on DNA, RNA structure and function and protein synthesis

Monday, 13 September 2021

Biology 12

 Today we took some notes on acids and bases and did the practice quiz found HERE.   Next we completed the notes on carbohydrates from the Friday post.  QUIZEROO tomorrow on water, acids, bases.  

Science 10

 Today we filled in the note sheet pages 3-6 on THIS NOTE SHEET.  Use the power point posted on Friday.  Next we finished off the DNA coloring sheet from Friday and did the following text book assignment:  Read page 10-13.  Do the purple questions on page 13 (Before you leave this page)

Friday, 10 September 2021

Science 10

I collected the signed course outline as well as the textbook tour today.  

Today we started the Biology unit by looking at DNA structure and function.  First we did the first few pages of this note sheet using the power point found HERE.  Next we did a relaxing coloring assignment HERE.  

Biology 12

 Today we went over the water questions (Section A) from the Module.   We reviewed some concepts with Hank by watching: 

Next we filled in the sections on biomolecules and dehydration synthesis/hydrolysis on the note sheet with this power point.    Homework: Read page 27-29 in textbook.  Do Section A part B and up to C(i) of Module. 

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on Scientific Method found HERE.  Next we completed the penny lab with our teams.  Make sure you have collected your data as well as answered questions #1-6 in Analysis and Conclusion.  Next we got a textbook tour assignment found HERE.  This is due tomorrow along with your signed course outline.  

Biology 12

Today we worked on review of Chemistry in order to understand how molecules will work in our bodies. We took notes on THIS power point and then filled in THESE notes on water.  

Homework fun today:   Read page 19-27 in your text.  Do all the questions on the first page of your module questions.  That is Section A part A questions #1-4.  Here's a cool video on the AMAZING properties of water:

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Biology 12

 Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology 12!!

We will get our textbooks tomorrow.  Today we did some introductions of me and of the class.  Next we did a short intro power point found HERE and tomorrow we will do a review of chemistry needed to understand the human body.  Read ahead in the text book on these pages:  Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4