Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Science 10

Today we got our Astronomy questions that could be on the exam these are found HERE.   Next we review for our final exam by doing the Biology, Energy and Chemistry Review booklets.  Check your answers with yesterday's blog.    Extra Chemistry Practice (Page 7-12) and KEYPhysics extra practice (Pag 4-9, 13-14, 23-24) and KEY 

We either had a presentation from the Vancouver Planetarium or we watched these videos:

Monday, 25 January 2021

Science 10

Answers to some selected questions from Chemistry EXAM REVIEW

Answers to some selected questions from Energy EXAM REVIEW

Answers to some selected questions from Biology EXAM REVIEW

Science 10

 Today we took notes on Space Math and did each of the example questions on the last page.   We also practiced scientific notation with THIS worksheet.   Pick 4 questions from each section on the front and all of the back.  This is due at the end of class.  

We watched some videos about stars in order to prepare for our MacMillan Science Centre virtual presentation.  

Friday, 22 January 2021

Science 10

Today we worked on the book questions from yesterday.  Turn these in for an assignment mark---don't worry about the "right answer" for many of the questions, I am looking for your prior knowledge.  Do make sure you get the planets distances and relative sizes sketched.   Next we worked on exam review with the additional Energy Review found HERE.   The Biology Review is found HERE.  

We took a few notes on the motion of the earth found HERE.   Finally we did a lab online called Stellarium

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote our test on Genetics, well done!   Next we did a textbook assignment to introduce us to Astronomy:  Page 288-289 #1-6.     Page 290-291 #10-21 and #30

We got the first Exam Review for the Chemistry Unit found HERE.   

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Science 10

 Today we played a review game for our test tomorrow.  Make sure you complete your visual dictionary as it is due tomorrow.   We watched the documentary "What Darwin Never Knew"

we answered these questions along with the movie.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Science 10

Today we took some notes on Natural Selection using this power point.  We wrote down the key points of natural selection and the steps of natural selection.  

Make sure you check your answers to the Genetics worksheet from yesterday:

Page 1     Page 2     Page 3    Page 4

We did a short lab that replicated different bird beak adaptations.  Who was best adapted to the environment and managed to survive?

Don't forget to work on your practice test found HERE.   ANSWER KEY

Monday, 18 January 2021

Science 10

Today we finished off the notes on Co-dominance and sex-linked traits.   We used the end of this note sheet and the end of this power point to finish off.  

Next we did practice problems found HERE and the first two pages of this assignment.  Answers will be posted tomorrow.   

We also watched a short video on Evolution by Natural Selection:

HERE is a practice test for the Biology Unit Test on Thursday.  Answers posted soon.  

Friday, 15 January 2021

Science 10

Today we practiced Dominant and Recessive traits with some Spongebob questions.  Answers are found HERE.    We completed the bottom of yesterday's note sheet about incomplete dominance with the power point HERE.

Second block we had some ALIEN babies.  

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Science 10

Today we looked at Dominant and Recessive Traits.  We watched THIS power points and filled in a note sheet to go along with it.  

Textbook questions page 39 # 4-7 were completed and turned in.

Catchy tune about DNA:

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Science 10

Today we took notes on mutations.  Notesheet is found HERE.   Use the end of this POWER POINT for the notes. 

We practiced some Genetics Mutations by doing THIS worksheet.  KEY 

Finally we worked on our visual dictionary and watched the documentary below:

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Science 10

If you are interested in Medical Sciences sign up for the Online Medical Symposium HERE.    We finished the note sheet from yesterday's post.   Next, we practiced some protein synthesis questions found HERE.   

Finally, we extracted the DNA from a strawberry, so amazing!!

If you are working at home do this lab if you can and then answer these questions

Some good videos to help us review RNA and Protein Synthesis:

Monday, 11 January 2021

Science 10

Today we started the Biology Unit by going through this power point up to the role of proteins.     The student note sheet is found HERE.  

We started the visual dictionary assignment.  This is due next Wednesday (Jan. 20).   It can be in many different formats:  Flash cards, poster, notebook etc.  You decide!

Finally we watched the Amoeba Sisters RNA vs. DNA

Friday, 8 January 2021

Science 10

Today we wrote the Energy Unit test.  When finished read page 10-18 in text and take notes.  This needs to be handed in for marks.  

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Science 10

Today we played some review games to help us review for the Energy Test.  Here are the answers to the calculation section of the review.  

Next we watched the movie 2040 on sustainability.  If you are working at home, watch some clips of the movie to understand what some solutions for agriculture, transportation, energy could be.  

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Science 10

Today we spent some time working on our Energy Unit review.  This is due on Thursday.   Your energy test is on Friday and although it isn't open book, you can write down any extra information on your data booklet.  Next we discussed the greenhouse effect and climate change by going through this power point and watching the following videos:   You are responsible for understanding the greenhouse effect and knowing what greenhouse gases are (the first two slides from the power point) for the test on Friday.  


Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Science 10

Today we worked on the Energy Unit Review and then did a lab:  Thermal Energy of a Nut.  Some selected answers to the unit review are found HERE.  

Monday, 4 January 2021

Science 10

Today we looked at the last topic in the Energy Unit:  Thermal Energy.  We took notes, did some example problems and did some practice problems.  Answers are found HERE. 

We watched these two crash course in physics videos to practice the difference between temperature and heat energy, but don't worry about all the crazy formulas in here!