Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 30 November 2020

Science 10

First we took some notes on balancing equations.  Slides 5 and 6 from this power point were written as notes

Next we did some practice problems find them HERE!  (You have to scroll to the end to check the answers)

HOMEWORK:  page 133 Practice Problems.  

Check out Trevor if you need more help!!  (Also read the pages BEFORE page 133 in text book)

Friday, 27 November 2020

Science 10

Today we wrote our IONIC compounds quiz.  Nice work!  Remember you can always rewrite quizzes if you made some mistakes you want to correct.  Next we worked on our:  Law of Conservation of Mass Lab we did yesterday.  Complete ALL the questions at the end of the lab on page 137.  Also write a conclusion making sure you answer the "purpose" of the lab and state whether or not your hypothesis was accepted or rejected.     Next we took notes on the first page of this power point.  

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Science 10

Today we took notes on writing formulas for Covalent Compounds.  These are formed by MOLECULAR bonds with 2 NON-METALS.    We practiced by completing the last two pages of yesterday's worksheet.  Check your work!   If you want more practice naming and writing formulas you can find it HERE.  

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Science 10

Today we wrote a quiz following by a practice sheet on IONIC compounds.  Check your work HERE and write me a note about your corrections.  Next we started a chemical compounds project.   The criteria is found HERE.   We got inspired by some short videos on different types of compounds.  

Chemistry of Fireworks

Dangerous Chemicals:

Food Chemistry

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Science 10

Today we did some practice writing the names and formulas for IONIC compounds.  The power point for this is HERE and notesheet HERE.   We will finish this off tomorrow.   Next we did a flame test on Ionic compounds to look at the different colours that the metal ions produce.   Lab questions are due tomorrow if you didn't turn those in today.   Tomorrow we have a quiz on Bohr Models, Lewis Dot diagrams for atoms and ions and calculating neutrons, protons and electrons in isotopes.  

Online practice for isotopes found HERE.   Bohr model practice found HERE.    Lewis dot practice HERE.  

Monday, 23 November 2020

Science 10

Today we worked on isotopes and # of protons, neutrons and electrons and did THIS sheet to practice.  (Scroll through to check the key) Next we finished off our conclusion paragraph for the Alka-Seltzer lab.  Make sure you share this with me on Office 365.   Turn in your graph as well.  

Friday, 20 November 2020

Science 10

Ms.  Wood was away today, but Mr. Bell kept the science flowing!  First students wrote the safety quiz.  Next he went through some review notes on ionic and covalent compounds with THIS power point (up to slide 16).    Then students did page 1 of the practice problems and the first part of page 2.  

Some inspiring videos:

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Science 10

Today we finished off the WHMIS sheet by looking at a Material Safety Data Sheet.  Check out the one for mercury HERE.  Next we looked at a power point to review atomic theory.   The note sheet we filled out is found HERE.  

Remember that tomorrow we will have a quick quiz on safety.  Use your text book at the beginning to review the WHMIS symbols and safety rules. (xvi-xvii)

We practiced the parts of an atom by doing this worksheet.  Check your results HERE.  

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Science 10

Today we toured around our data booklet and the textbook.  Data booklet tour is HERE.  And Textbook tour HERE.    Next we did some WHMIS training by watching the following power point and drawing symbols for the hazards on this sheet.  

Next we watched a short video on the covid 19 vaccine

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Science 10

Today we got introduced to Science 10 and everything there is to learn!  We introduced each other and filled out a student survey.  Next we got the course outline and safety rules.  These need to be signed by your parents for homework.  

Next we review the scientific method by looking at a power point and taking some notes on the filled in sheet HERE.  Finally we did our own experiment in groups of 3.  The "magic penny" lab.  

If you want to check the optical illusions that we looked at together.  Those are found HERE.  

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we worked on practice for the exam......First we did the cheat sheet and then wrote the Animals Practice.   There is an exam practice for you to do on your own click HERE for the answer key.      

Monday, 9 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we ALMOST finished off the animal kingdom by looking at Arthropods and Echinoderms.  Next we did an Arthropod colouring sheet found HERE.   Finally we watched a few videos looking at Arthropods and Echinoderms.   

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we wrote the Plant and Fungi Kingdom Quest.  Next we worked on the Reading Guide to Early Invertebrates due tomorrow.   Finally we watched some sponge movies.  Fun times with the sponges:) 

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

 Good video to review the Plant Kingdom:

Monday, 2 November 2020

Life Sciences 11

Today we finished off the Plant kingdom by looking at the seed plants:  Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.  We did a seed plants lab and then got the FUNGI/PLANT QUEST REVIEW for the quest on Wednesday.