Today we reviewed for our Plants Test----coming up TOMORROW!!
We did a practice test and then played a rousing game of pictionary. Make sure you bring your Reading Guide to Invertebrates in tomorrow.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Science 8
Today we got a mark print out.....make sure you have turned in all your missing assignments before the holidays begin! Next we took some notes on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Finally we finished with the graphing math/science lab. Make sure you have completed Day #2 up to step #4.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Science 8
Today we did some quick questions on waves. Next we completed "wire waves" lab on page 140-141 and did the Analyze and Conclude and Apply questions on page 141 and turned them in.
Block 3/4 also did the reading check on page 157.
Block 3/4 also did the reading check on page 157.
Biology 11
Today we went over the answers to the Seed Plants reading guide. Tomorrow there will be a practice test on plants. Next we started the Animals Unit: Power point with notes.
Friday, 14 December 2018
Biology 11
Today we wrote a quiz on mosses and ferns. Next we turned in the Seed Plants Lab if we hadn't already done so. We got a lot of work back including a print off of where our mark is so far. Next we did the Seed Plants Reading Guide-due on Monday. Plant Review was also given out- Plant test next Wednesdayyyy.
Science 8
Today we turned in the reading check from page 138 in the text book. Next we did lab 4-4 on page 140-141: Wire Waves. Make sure you bring this lab back to class on Monday. We will be completing the questions with your group.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Science 8
Today we presented our body systems projects to the Grade 8 class and our own classmates. Well done! Next we did some work on Waves for our next unit: Optics. We watched Bill Nye waves and read page 134-138. Reading Check on page 138 is due next class if you didn't get it done.
Biology 11
Today our quick questions were on the fern life cycle.--Fern/Moss quiz on Friday. Then we started flowering plants, we watched crash course and then took notes on Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. Next we did a Gymnosperm/Angiosperm Lab, this lab is due next class if you haven't turned it in yet.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Biology 11
Today we completed the Fern Lab by going outside and collecting our ferns to looks at the sori. Isn't that the coolest thing you've ever seen?? Lab was due by the end of class. Next we did the Fern Reading Guide. This is due tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we completed the body systems projects by doing the dissections. Nice work on these! You will present to the grade 5 class tomorrow.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Biology 11
Science 8
Today we continued to work on the body systems project. Last day to work on it is on Tuesday.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Science 8
Today we did our BIG test on Cells and the Immune system. Good work on this!! Next we worked on our human body systems for the poster presentation next week. You will have Monday and Tuesday to complete the poster and do a dissection/demo. Presentation will be during the double block next week.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Biology 11
Today we went over the Fungi practice quiz. Next we started our next unit on land plants with the Bryophytes (non-vascular) plants. We took some notes on moss and did a moss lab. Don't forget the Fungi quiz tomorrow.
Science 8
Today we reviewed for the BIG SCARY TEST (little cute fuzzy test) on Cells and the Immune System. This is on everything in chapter 1 and 3. Next we worked on our body systems projects.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Science 8
Today we prepared for the Cells/Immune System Review by going over the immune system review. Make sure you thoroughly prepare for the test....Anything from chapter 1 and 3 in your text is fair game. Make sure you read page 102-105 many times!!
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Science 8
Today we did some quick questions on the immune system. Next we had some time to do our review for chapters 1 and 3: Cells and the Immune System. Make sure your review is completed for next class. Finally we got into groups to start our Human Body Systems Project. This will be worked on for the next couple of classes and presented next week.
Biology 11
We watched some Fungi movies to review the unit on Fungi. Next we turned in the Fungi Colouring sheet and then did a practice test for the Fungi Quiz on Friday. Make sure your practice test is completed for next class.
Biology 11
Today we finished the Food Mold lab Found on page 243 of your text. Make sure you complete this with the questions at the end. Next we worked on the Fungi Colouring Workbook. This is due tomorrow.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Science 8
Today we took notes on the immune system. Next we got a check list for the Test on Friday on Chapter 1 and 3. Finally I handed out a review assignment for the test.....This is NOT due tomorrow.
Biology 11
Today we finished off our mold lab.....yummmy! Make sure you complete the lab with all questions on page 243 of your text. Next we worked on the Fungi Colouring Sheet. This is due tomorrow.
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