Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Science 8

Today we did some quick questions in order to practice for tomorrow's quizerooo.  Next we took notes on the immune system and then started playing Pandemic.  Make sure you watch the online tutorial found HERE to figure out how to play! 

Biology 11

Today we turned in the Fungi Reading assignment from yesterday and then did the Mushroom lab.   Next we played an exciting game of Jeopardy/Pictionary.  Fun times had by all!!

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Science 8

Today we had a crazy time combining the Math/Science classes to do a little project building alien cells and calculating the surface area and volume of the cells.  Great work everyone!   Remember that the Reading Check on page 106 is due next day if you didn't turn it in.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Science 8

Today we started the immune system.  We took a few introductory notes.  Next we spread a disease around the classroom (well, we modelled how a disease would spread) and tried to determined which patient started the disease.  Next we read page 100-105.  Do Reading Check on page 106 in full sentences for homework. 

Biology 11

Today we watched two videos to review for our Microbiology Test.  Bozeman science (viruses) and Crash Course in Biology Archaea, Bacteria and Protists.  Next we did the Fungi Reading Guide.  Due on Thursday.  Make sure you turn in your jeopardy questions as well.   The microbiology review can be turned in for bonus marks. 

Monday, 26 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we started a food mold lab.....This is found in your book and will be worked on for the next week.   Next we took some notes on FUNGI.  Power point found HERE and notes HERE. 

Homework:  STUDY for microbiology Test (you have your review).  Due tomorrow:  5 Jeopardy style questions worth: 200, 300, 400 or 500 points based on viruses, bacteria, protists or microscopes

Here is a link to writing good jeopardy questions if you want to be really professional!

Science 8

Today we finished our EGGCELLENT lab.  Make sure you complete the lab with a ABCDE paragraph for your conclusion.  Tomorrow we start cells in the immune system. 

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Science 8

After the quick question quiz we took some notes on what happens to a cell based on three Osmosis scenarios.  Next we did our own Osmosis experiment with some raw eggs with no shell on them.  Yah!  Nobody broke any eggs, eggcellent!

Biology 11

Today we worked on completing any missing work.  Answers to Protist Biology Questions found HERE.Make sure you check if you have any questions about these.
Fun with Fungi starting on Monday! Test on Microbiology on Friday, Nov. 30th.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we finished off Protists and you may never swim in Williamson Lake again!

We did a lab on Protists.  Next we got some questions:  Protist Biology which are due on Friday.

Finally we watched some mirobiologists wading through a cave filled with Sulfuric Acid in the NOVA movie: How Life Began. 

Science 8

For double block in 3/4:  First I collected the homework from yesterday (page 40 #1-4)

Next we took some notes on osmosis and diffusion.  See powerpoint HERE.    We did a lab looking

at onion cells under the microscope.  Finally we watched a few minutes of NOVA, How Life Began.
HOMEWORK FUN TIMES:  (the secret password is butterfly!)  Page 50 #1-14 in Checking Concepts.   

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we finished off notes on Kingdom Protista.  We worked on the protist colouring sheet (See Monday's post).  This is due tomorrow. 

Science 8

Today we did some partner questions on photosynthesis/respiration.  We turned these in before we got to work on our cell videos.

Homework:  Read page 40-45 in textbook.  Answer questions #1-4 page 49. 

Monday, 19 November 2018

Science 8

Today we took some notes on Photosynthesis/Respiration.  Link to the power point found HERE.

Next we used the animal cells we made and the ipads to make a video of a news cast/ interview/ rap song/ song poem to explain the cell organelles.  Here is another one to inspire you! 

Biology 11

Today we took a few notes on our next Kingdom:  Protists.

Microbiology Project is due today at MIDNIGHT at the latest!   Next we completed Actual Size and Drawing Magnification Lab or started the Protist Colouring assignment (Due Wednesday). 

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Science 8

Today we completed the Cheek Cell lab by making sure we understood how to calculate actual size of our cells.  We spent some time writing an ABCDE paragraph for the conclusion.  This lab is due on Friday. 

Next we watched crash course in Biology Cells.We also prepared for the making and edible cell by comparing and contrasting Plant and Animal Cells and Eukaryotic/Prokaryotic cells.  

Finally we went to the computer lab to write a review of an online game about cells.  Pick a game from one of the following websites and write in word: 1)A description of the game     2)What you liked about the game       3) What you didn't like about the game     4)Your score /10.    Share this with Ms. Wood on office 365 (

Biology 11

Today we did some Quick Questions on bacteria.   Next we took a few short notes on specific and non-specific lines of defense against pathogens.   We completed a microscope lab (up to the middle of page 5) and turned in it.   Second block we worked on our microbiology projects....due on Monday!

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we took some notes on bacterial reproduction and fighting pathogenic bacteria.

Next we finished the Antibiotics vs. Bacteria lab.  Make sure this lab with questions completed gets turned in. 

Science 8

Make sure your two cell diagrams (from Thursday) get completed, labelled and coloured and turned in tomorrow.

In class today we looked at our own cheek cells and did a lab determining their actual sizes.  Make sure you bring this lab back tomorrow, but it doesn't need to be finished.

Remember to bring in your left over Halloween candy for edible cell building.  

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we did two labs looking at Bacterial colonies.  The first was staining E. coli and B. subtilus to see bacteria that are gram positive and gram negative.  That lab (Staining and Observing Bacterial cells) is due on Tuesday with questions completed.

The next lab was: Antibiotics and Bacteria.  We cultured our two strains of bacteria and added different types of antibiotic discs to see their effects on E. coli and B. subtilus

Science 8

Today we collected pond water and looked at it under the microscope.  We saw some cool stuff which we drew and then calculated sizes for.   Your cell diagrams are due on Tuesday.  They should be coloured and labelled.   They are found HERE and HERE. 

Monday, 5 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we looked at our rapidly growing bacteria in the Distribution of Bacteria lab.   This isn't due yet, we will culture it a few more days.  Next we answered some questions:  Diversity and Biology of Monerans.   This is due tomorrow if you didn't finish it in class.

I also collected the Prokaryotes Colouring Sheet

Science 8

Today we got back our subatomic particles quiz.  Next we completed our Microscope Lab and determined the actual sizes of three organisms.  Homework:  Read page 6-11 do the reading check on page 11. 

Friday, 2 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we did a quiz on viruses,  took a few notes on bacteria: mode of nutrition and respiration, next we gathered some bacteria for the Abundance of Bacteria lab.  

Science 8

Today we did a quiz on subatomic particles, finished our atom models and started a microscope lab.  Make sure you bring the lab back on Monday. 

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Biology 11

Today we started Monera (bacteria) we took notes on the two major types of bacteria, their structure and shape.  We did a prokaytoic colouring worksheet and worked on our microbiology project.  

Science 8

See yesterday's Halloween edition of Science 8