Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Monday, 20 June 2016

June 20 Marks posted

New marks are posted here with all the unit tests and assignments. 


In keeping with Mr. B's tradition we started working on exam "cheat sheets" to help us with the final exam.  You are allowed one 8.5 x 14 sheet of paper: single sided with notes.  We wrote out the big ideas in science 8 on the board to help organize our thoughts.  EXAM IS ONE WED. JUNE 22.

Notes 1        Notes 2       Notes 3      Notes 4

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Optics Test and Exam Review

On Friday we wrote the optics test.....Friday AFTERNOON, nice work!   Next week will be dedicated to exam review so make sure you have your blue review questions and the plate tectonics MC questions with you.   Good job everyone on Thursday's eye dissection. 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Common Eye Defects

Today we watched a video on common defects of the eye and filled in some notes based on it.  Know where light converges on your retina if you are far-sighted and near-sighted and how lenses can fix the problem.  A second video showed how our brain adjusts the upside down image on our retina for us.  At the end of class we went over some of the multiple choice questions on the optics review.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Eye and its structures

Today we prepared for the cow eye dissection by watching two videos.  One on how an eye works and the other on the steps in the dissection.   We then coloured and labelled all the parts of the eye.  Use page 204 if you need to review these.    The actual dissection happens on Thursday!  

Friday, 10 June 2016


Today we had a quick review of reflection and refraction of light.  We then took some short notes on mirrors and the three types of mirrors:  plane, convex and concave.   We then did a worksheet:  Using mirrors to form images and looked at our reflection in the concave/convex mirrors.  The worksheet is due on Monday. 

New marks are posted here  Get in your missing work before the optics test on Friday!!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Reflection and Refraction of Light

I collected the field trip permission forms and marks progress reports. 
Students took notes on how light can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed.   They learned the difference between reflection and refraction and how the angle of light change in each case.   Students then completed the Activity 5-2 on page 176.  Homework: pg. 164 #1-15  (don't do #4 or #14)

Monday, 6 June 2016

Review of Waves and Light

Today we started with a review of Waves, Visible Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Ch. 4).   We did another demo on UV light to show why you need to wear sunscreen!
We completed the Electromagnetic Spectrum handout in class or for homework.  

Each student was sent home with the field trip permission form due tomorrow and a mark summary. Only two weeks left!  Keep working until summer officially starts :)

Friday, 3 June 2016

Know Your Watershed Field Trip Wrap Up

Today we wrapped up the Know Your Watershed Field Trip #1 with Ms. Vickers.  She will be back next week-on Thursday June 9 so that we can paint storm drains during the double block.   Make sure the second (green) permission form comes back so that you can go on this trip.