Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Science 10

Radioactivity Test tomorrow!

Bring warm clothes for our lab tomorrow. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Science 10

Who says Nuclear Physics isn't awesome!

Today we went over the homework on pg. 296 #3-5

Took notes on Nuclear Equations, Fission and Fusion

and watched a thought provoking video on Nuclear Energy.

Homework:  Worksheet on Fission and Fusion.    Quick Question Quiz tomorrow covering 1/2 lives and alpha, beta, gamma decay.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Science 10

Today we took notes and answered questions on half life of radioactive elements.   Tricky stuff here!  

Questions from the text:  pg. 296 #3-5

Friday, 2 December 2016

Science 10

Today we learned about 1/2 life of radioactive elements.

Sweet radioactive decay with M & Ms

Graphs and questions from the lab are due on Tuesday

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Science 10

Today we wrote the CHEMISTRY UNIT TEST

Then we started our Radioactivity Unit.   Homework:  pg. 283 #13 and pg. 289 #14

Bring in a shoe box tomorrow for the M & M lab.....yummy!

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Science 10

Review for Chemistry Test!    Test is on Thursday Dec. 1

Monday, 28 November 2016

Science 10

Today we started the review for the Chemistry Test (on thursday).

We practiced finishing equations with a worksheet and reviewed writing names of compounds and balancing compounds.  Both worksheets due tomorrow.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Science 10

We did more practice balancing equations and learned how to work with tricky reactions.

Took notes on the 5 different types of reactions.

Lab:  Classifying and Balancing Equations.

Due Friday:  Balancing Worksheet, Lab with questions, page 267 #13


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Science 10

Welcome back me and all others who were sick for a while........

Today we learned how to balance equations and practiced using with worksheet questions #1-12.

Compounds project is due tomorrow.   Throw it in the drop box or save with Office 365.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Science 10

Quick Question Quiz today on Lewis Dot Diagrams and Naming Acids.

Then we went to the volleyball game.   GO RSS!

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Science 10

Ms. Avery took over as your fearless leader today.

Took some time to complete Lab 8A questions and turn in Lab.

Started Compounds Project in the IT lab.   This project is due on Tuesday.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Science 10

Today we took notes on valence electrons and Lewis Dot diagrams.

Worksheet on Lewis Dot diagrams due tomorrow.

We also completed Lab 8A.   The analysis and synthesis questions for this lab are due on Wednesday.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Science 10

We had a Quick Question Quiz today on naming and writing formulas for compounds.  

We then set up and started Lab be completed on Monday.  No homework this weekend!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Science 10

We learned how to write formulas and name molecular compounds today.  Remember that molecular compounds are formed with covalent bonds and they are the types of compounds made when 2 non-metals share electrons.

We completed a worksheet in class and for homefun:   pg. 199 #19, 20 and 21.   Quick Question Quiz on Thursday on writing formulas and names for compounds.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Science 10

Today we collected the green worksheet on different types of atoms in compounds.   Then we went over how to name ionic compounds- compounds made up of a metal + non-metal ions.    The top half of the naming worksheet should be completed as well as pg. 191 #3 b, d, f, h and j.

The second half of class we had a guest speaker, Dr. Karl Larsen.  He came to discuss his research on painted turtles.   Cool talk!  I think we all learned lots and will be on the lookout for turtles as well as Badgers and Grey Squirrels.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Science 10

Bohr Models were collected.   We continued Chemistry Review by looking at molecules of compounds and how we can determine the number of each type of atom in the compound.   Green worksheet for practice is due Thursday.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Science 10

Today we reviewed drawing Bohr Models for atoms and Ions and practiced by drawing Bohr Models of the first 20 elements.   This is due next class

Friday, 28 October 2016

Science 10

Today we 1) Turned in Lab 6A pg. 162

2) Completed our notes on Isotopes, Mass Number, Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

3) Did a worksheet on Isotopes and Atoms

Worksheet should be turned in or completed for homework and due Monday.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Science 10

Today we thought we would finish the Algal Growth lab, but surprise!  We have to wait until next class to weigh them.

Then we took notes on Atomic Theory.   Then we made some hydrogen gas and exploded it! 
Lab:  6A  pg. 162-163.    Do questions #a-d and #h pg. 163

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Science 10

Today we wrote the Ecology Test.   It will be marked soon, I promise!

Homework:  1) Read pg. 149-151.  Do Questions #2, 3, 8-10 pg. 152
2)  Read pg. 162-163.   Set up lab with Tittle, Purpose, Question, Hypothesis

Monday, 24 October 2016

Swim Team

Meeting at lunch on Tuesday October 25 for all swimmers going to the swim meet this weekend.

Room 313

Science 10

Today we went over the Test Review for the Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5.3 Ecology Test TOMORROW October 25th.

Homework:  Do the pink review questions in order to prepare for the test.

Answers:  #1)C         #2)A        #3)A     #4)D     #5)B      #6)C     #7)C     #8)C      #9)B       #10)A
#11)B        #12)D      #13)D      #14)C    NOTICE THE LACK OF #15 and #16 ----------#17)B
#18)B        #19)C      #20)A      #21) A     #22)D

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Swim Team

Practice on the Pro-D day (October 21) will start at 8 am. 

Make sure you pick up a swim meet volunteer form at practice or in Ms. Wood's/Mr. Gale's room 313.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Science 10

Today we completed the nutrient cycles by taking notes on the Phosphorus cycle.  We marked the homework from last night on pg 95.

Then we started the pond water lab:  Effect of fertilizer on algal growth.   Now wait for results........what will happen to the water?   Only one week to find out!

1) Ecology test review (stapled booklet).
2) pg. 80-81 #1-17
3) pg. 104-105 #1, 3, 4, 14-19

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Science 10

Today we started with a practice quiz for the Ecology Test next week.   We went over the homework from pg. 91 and took notes on the Nitrogen Cycle.

We went outside to collect pond water for our lab tomorrow.   Nobody fell in!    hmmmmm, I didn't think that pond water would be so murky looking

Homework:  Read pg. 92-94.   Do questions #1-6, 8-11 on page 95.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Science 10

Today we took some notes on the different types of nutrients and how they cycle in ecosystems.    We talked about C, N, O, P cycles.

Homework:  Pg. 91 #4, 8, 11, 12, 16

ECOLOGY TEST NEXT TUESDAY:  OCTOBER 25.     Ch. 2, 3, 4, 5.3

Friday, 14 October 2016

Science 10

Today we all got Data Booklets to keep.  (You're welcome :)

We did a little assignment: Investigating Your Data Booklet and turned it in.

We also discussed nutrient cycling in ecosystems.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Science 10

Today we went over pg. 125 homework questions and reviewed the concepts of bioaccumulation and biomagnification.   We watched two short videos on plastics and endocrine disruptors and turned in a K/L/Q sheet for endocrine distruptors.   Homework:  handout on Interactions and Energy Flow

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Science 10

Today we went over the Chapter 3 quiz together. 

Took notes on Bioaccumulation and Biomagnfication.   Homework:  pg. 125 #2, 3, 6-9, 15, 16

Finished the movie:  Billion Dollar Caribou filling out a:  Knew/Learned/Questions I have sheet for it.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Science 10

Chapter 3 quiz today.

We marked pg. 73 #3-7 together.

Started the Nature of Things Video:  "Billion Dollar Caribou"

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Science 10

Today we completed an assignment on Biomes based on everyone's Biome's posters. 
We marked these together and had a bit of debate about how much precipitation the temperate rainforest gets!

We finished Chapter 3 by taking notes on Adaptations and Community Interactions.
Homework:  pg. 73 #3-7.

Quiz on Chapter 3 on Friday

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Science 10

We took notes on adaptations and did a short lab outside:  Surviving Predation (pg. 62)

Biomes Project is due on Thursday.  

Monday, 3 October 2016

Swim Team

Practices start this Friday (October 7th) at 7 am in the pooooool!   See you there.

Science 10

Today we did some quick questions on animal distribution in biomes of the world:  Know the difference between weather and climate, what two climatic conditions most influence the type of organisms in an area, how is increasing latitude similar to increasing altitude.

Next we went to the IT lab to finish our biomes project.  Homework:  pg. 60 #1-5 and 9

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Science 10

Today we finished of the Predator-Prey simulation lab.  Well done scattering all those prey about!   The entire lab is due on Friday with all Analysis, Evaluation and Synthesis questions (except i).  Also due on Friday:  Food Chains and Webs-------"What's for dinner?" assignment (stapled booklet).

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Science 10

Today we started the Predator-Prey simulation lab on pg.44-45 of the text book.   This will take a while to complete as you need to replicate 20 generations of animals.   Make sure you bring your data table back tomorrow so that you can complete the lab and make a graph of your results.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Swim Team

All students interested in joining the RSS swim team, there is a meeting at lunch on Wednesday, Sept. 28 in room 313

Friday, 23 September 2016

Science 10

Lots of people were away today.....we wrote our first Quick Question Quiz and then went outside to collect a rotting log ecosystem.   Students had to identify and draw some of the insects and other living things they collected.  Have a great long weekend!

Earth Science

Today we wrote the volcano quiz, nice work!

We also watched 2 videos on the Yellowstone supervolcano.   This was a good lesson on media awareness.    Don't believe everything you see on You Tube!!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Science 10

Double block today and we finished off Lab 2A (pg. 42-43).  Use the lab criteria sheet to answer all the text questions.

Next we took notes on Trophic Levels in Ecosystems and started the questions:
pg. 37 #1, 2, 6, 8,  9 and 12   pg. 41 #1-4, 6 and 9

Both of these are due on Friday

Monday, 19 September 2016

Science 10

1) Quick questions based on last class.   Know the difference between a community and an ecosystem (ecosystem includes the non-living parts)

2)  We learned about ecological roles and relationships as well as symbiosis.

3)  Class/homework:  pg. 29 #2-5, 7, 9-11
pg. 32 #3, 4, 6-10

4)  Read and set up the lab on pg. 42.    Your marking/criteria sheet was given to you.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Science 10

Today we did a practice quick question quiz on Scientific Method

Took notes from a power point presentation on Biotic and Abiotic factors in ecosystems and learned the connections between organisms--populations--community---ecosystem----biome and biosphere

Class/homework:  pg. 24 #2, 3 and 8

Monday, 20 June 2016

June 20 Marks posted

New marks are posted here with all the unit tests and assignments. 


In keeping with Mr. B's tradition we started working on exam "cheat sheets" to help us with the final exam.  You are allowed one 8.5 x 14 sheet of paper: single sided with notes.  We wrote out the big ideas in science 8 on the board to help organize our thoughts.  EXAM IS ONE WED. JUNE 22.

Notes 1        Notes 2       Notes 3      Notes 4

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Optics Test and Exam Review

On Friday we wrote the optics test.....Friday AFTERNOON, nice work!   Next week will be dedicated to exam review so make sure you have your blue review questions and the plate tectonics MC questions with you.   Good job everyone on Thursday's eye dissection. 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Common Eye Defects

Today we watched a video on common defects of the eye and filled in some notes based on it.  Know where light converges on your retina if you are far-sighted and near-sighted and how lenses can fix the problem.  A second video showed how our brain adjusts the upside down image on our retina for us.  At the end of class we went over some of the multiple choice questions on the optics review.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Eye and its structures

Today we prepared for the cow eye dissection by watching two videos.  One on how an eye works and the other on the steps in the dissection.   We then coloured and labelled all the parts of the eye.  Use page 204 if you need to review these.    The actual dissection happens on Thursday!  

Friday, 10 June 2016


Today we had a quick review of reflection and refraction of light.  We then took some short notes on mirrors and the three types of mirrors:  plane, convex and concave.   We then did a worksheet:  Using mirrors to form images and looked at our reflection in the concave/convex mirrors.  The worksheet is due on Monday. 

New marks are posted here  Get in your missing work before the optics test on Friday!!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Reflection and Refraction of Light

I collected the field trip permission forms and marks progress reports. 
Students took notes on how light can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed.   They learned the difference between reflection and refraction and how the angle of light change in each case.   Students then completed the Activity 5-2 on page 176.  Homework: pg. 164 #1-15  (don't do #4 or #14)

Monday, 6 June 2016

Review of Waves and Light

Today we started with a review of Waves, Visible Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Ch. 4).   We did another demo on UV light to show why you need to wear sunscreen!
We completed the Electromagnetic Spectrum handout in class or for homework.  

Each student was sent home with the field trip permission form due tomorrow and a mark summary. Only two weeks left!  Keep working until summer officially starts :)

Friday, 3 June 2016

Know Your Watershed Field Trip Wrap Up

Today we wrapped up the Know Your Watershed Field Trip #1 with Ms. Vickers.  She will be back next week-on Thursday June 9 so that we can paint storm drains during the double block.   Make sure the second (green) permission form comes back so that you can go on this trip. 

Monday, 30 May 2016

Know your Watershed Week

This week we have a special presentation by Wildsight's Ms. Vickers.  She will be presenting the "Know Your Watershed" program.  Make sure you bring in your permission forms by Tuesday May 31 in order to go on the Wednesday field trip.  This whole week is dedicated to this program. 

Sunday, 29 May 2016

QQQ Day and Intoduction to UV light

Today we had a QQQ on Waves and Properties of Waves.   Then we introduced the electromagnetic spectrum.  Thanks Theo for explaining why scientific notation is used for very large or very small numbers.   Next was a demo showing UV light and the short activity (4-9) on pg. 161.--you can look at your results on Monday.     Students were given and started the handout on visible light.    This will be due on Tuesday, May 31.  Have a great weekend!

There is a special "Know your Watershed" Program next week.  Remember to bring in your permission forms by Tuesday at the latest so that you can go on the all day field trip on Wednesday June 1.

Marks updated May 30.   Please note that if you have turned in late work it may not be marked yet.  It will get entered soon.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Introduction to Waves and Light

Today we started with a quick question based on the Properties of Waves Handout and then we went over the answers to the handout.   Before break we did and turned in the following:
  1. Activity 4-1"Watching Water Waves" pg. 134 with questions.
  2.  Pg. 143 #1-8 
After break we did and turned in:
  1. Activity 4-5 "Rainbows of Light" pg. 144
  2. Activity 4-6 "Colour your Rainbow" pg. 149
Then Bill Nye came for a visit with his show!  We watched:   Waves and  Light and Colour

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Chapter 7 (Fluids) and Subatomic Particles Test and Intro to Waves

Today we did the Fluids and Subatomic Particle Test.   Good work, it was a long one!   Remember that you are able to take extra time at break if you need to finish a test off.   The class then started the next unit (Optics) with a worksheet titled: "Properties of Waves" (Part I) and (Part 2).   This is due tomorrow May 25th.    Congrats Mr. B and Mrs. B for your new baby boy named Ben! 

Friday, 20 May 2016

Review for Particles-Density Test (Test on Tuesday May 24)

Today we reviewed the answers to the text book questions pg. 272 #1-9 and #11-14.   As well as the Chapter 7 and subatomic particles Study guide.   This along with the QQ from today will help you review for your Subatomic particles/Chapter 7 Test on Tuesday May 24.   We also introduced the new unit on Optics by watching these two quick videos: Is light a particle or a wave? and Light waves, visible and invisible. 
One last review for the test!  Density detective worksheet.  Due at the end of class.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Marks as of May 19

A reminder that if you want to make up missing work the last day to turn it in is Tuesday May 24 (The unit test day). Current marks posted here.   

Density Review Lab and Test Review

Today we did a lab for review of density: Eggcellent Density Review Lab.  Students worked in groups and one lab will be marked per group.  The density of a raw egg and sugar water was found in g/mL.  Great job determining the densities and using indirect measurement!   You were also given time to complete pg. 272 #1-9 and #11-14 in the text book.  These were collected at the end of class.   Chapter 7 and Particle Test Review questions are due tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Changes of State in Water Lab

Tuesday May 17

Today we completed the lab on pg. 256 "Changes of State in Water."   We made a line graph (Part 2) and answered questions at the end "What did you find out?".   Turn these in on Thursday if you didn't get it all completed in class.   Homework:  Particle Physics Test Review handout.  Book questions:
pg. 272 #1-9  and #11-14 Due tomorrow.
Test on Tuesday, May 24th on Chapter 7 and Particle Physics.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Changes in State of Water Lab

Monday May 16th

Science 8:   We will keep you updated to let you know about Mr. B's new family member.   All those students who have not yet turned in Distiller Project and QQQ #11 should get those in.   Today we will start a review of Chapter 7 with a lab:  Changes of State in Water.  pg. 256.  Lab will be completed tomorrow

Welcome to Ms. Wood's Science blog. Can you tell me what animal used to have these antlers???