Reference Materials for Life Science 11

Friday, 7 March 2025

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today Ms. Rodman was away, but we started a new "mini-unit" within the unit on the cell membrane and transport.  The power point is HERE and the note sheet HERE.   These questions go with TEXTbook chapter 6.2 and 6.3

We answered some questions found HERE. (Enzyme questions- starting on page 5:  up to #11  )

We also watched the enzyme video below:

Life Sciences 11

Today we worked on Evidence for Evolution and on a lab.  First we used THIS note sheet to take some notes on the five pieces of evidence for evolution.   We used THIS power point for the notes.   

Next we started a NATURAL VARIATIONS lab looking at the distribution of traits in a population.  This lab is found HERE.   We will finish collecting the data and make our graphs on Monday.  

Environmental Science 12

 Today we had a guest- Teal, from the Food Commons Project.  She talked about the vision for the project and about DIRT!!  If you missed the presentation, go through her slide show found HERE.  We will work on some soil questions next week.  

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today Ms. Rodman went over ways that things can get in and out of cells with and without energy (ATP).  She finished the power point HERE with THIS note sheet.   

Module questions for this sections were given out as worksheets each day.  Answers to the module questions are HERE.  Module questions are found HERE. (We have done up to page 4).     Video below shows good examples of how things move across the cell membrane.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Life Science 11

 Today we talked about the history of the Theory of Evolution.  What did humans think about the biodiversity on Earth before the idea that species evolved?  We took some notes from the first few slides HERE.   Next we finished off the video from last class (posted below) and worked on our Evidence for Evolution worksheet.  This worksheet is due on Friday, but you will have some time in class to work on it.   

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Environmental Science 12

Today we watered our plant pets and covered them in plastic to keep in moisture.  Next we worked on our Earth Day Fair Passion projects.   You should have a subject chosen now.  Let me know if you have any requests for materials!   Please make sure you come to class on time Friday.  We have an important guest speaker:). 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Today we continued with the power point notes on Osmosis and Diffusion.   The power point notes are HERE and the written note sheet HERE.   

Next we watched the video below and did THIS worksheet.